Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34-18)

Just read this on my "Psalm for the day" ... and how true it is. The Lord saved me when I was brokenhearted and when my spirit was crushed. I was single, living in VA on my own, and attempting to get through life on my own. Let's just say I was struggling and unhappy with the direction in which I was heading, the men I was choosing and the hurt they had caused me. Hard to believe that was nearly 8 years ago. How life has changed! I'm convinced that had I not gotten on my knees and given my life to the Lord, I would not be married to Rob Maloney, I would not be happy (at least not genuinely happy and at peace), and I most certainly would not have the the 3 precious little boys God has blessed me with. Amazing how God gave me that desire to seek Him during a time that I so needed Him ... in turn, He has given me all that I ever dreamed of! I am so thankful for the Lord's presence in my life. Even though I continue to fall short of His glory (the life of a Christian is a journey, right?!), I know I am right where I am supposed to be. His love for us and His desire for us is unfathomable ... it is hard for me to even comprehend his love, but how blessed we are to have Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Father, our Rock, our alpha and omega. I feel blessed beyond compare, not just for the things and people in my life, but for the Lord who gave me a new life in Him. Thank you, Lord, for saving a wretch like me! Just my 2 cents for this morning! =)

1 comment:

  1. Heather- that is an amazing Psalm. The kids actually sing a catchy version of that verse in the children's ministry. Amazing testimony!
