Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our very "sweet" news!!!

Looks like we'll soon be changing the sign in our nursery from "Thank heaven for little boys" to "Thank heaven for little girls!" We are so very excited to be adding a precious little girl to our family of boys. Our big news came  as a complete shock to Rob and I, though Robbie has been saying for quite some time that he was going to have a sister, so perhaps he knew something all along that we didn't! We honestly believed that we were meant to have all boys! Funny how the Lord surprises you in pretty profound ways sometimes! Robbie (our soon-to-be 5 year old) shared in our joy yesterday at the OB's office and was thrilled when we were told, "your son is right! It's a girl!" Music to our ears! We are thrilled beyond words and are so looking forward to meeting our precious little one in early July! Looks like I'll have to soon begin shopping for pink ruffled dresses, hair bows, and cute little shoes ... it may seem a bit foreign to me at first, but oh, the fun I will have! Thank you, Lord, for such an incredible blessing!

1 comment:

  1. We're so excited for you all! I love the name Rob posted on Facebook, Megyn, right? She is going to be a very special little girl with three older brothers to watch out for her.

    ~ Corrie
