Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A very MESSY situation!

I'm pretty sure I nearly had a heart attack today ... funny that I actually stopped to pick up my camera to take a picture of such a scene, but it was truly 1 of those moments as a parent that you never want to forget (at least I think that's the case)! I had to laugh, otherwise I probably would have cried!

Ok, so here's the story ... I'm not sure the picture will do it justice so you'll just have to use your imagination!

I stepped upstairs for a few minutes in search of something. Robbie was engrossed in some school work at the kitchen table, literally, and the little guys were busy playing (and yes, the gate was closed this time). I heard lots of laughter and running around so I just assumed everything was ok. When I came downstairs (a few minutes later), I was greeted by 2 little boys giggling (cackling almost) covered in cocoa powder ... the floor was covered in cocoa powder and little footprints with tracks of cocoa powder were ALL OVER my house, including our new sun room's carpet. Yeah, so this is where the heart attack happened! I stopped to take a picture (for memory's sake ... I'm crazy, I know) and then scolded the boys. Daniel was quite upset that he made such a mess and Sammy, well ... he's only 16 months so I'm pretty sure he was clueless. I gave both big boys jobs to help Mommy and they literally scrubbed, vacuumed, and cleaned our entire 1st floor while Sammy boy sat in the high chair eating a snack. Fortunately, thanks to lots of hard work (and the rental of a carpet cleaner) we got every last stain out ... and my home is back to normal!

Such is life with 3 little boys, right?! Needless to say, I am grateful for times like these ... they make life exciting, never boring, and full of surprise! Had I reacted with anger (something I probably would have done in the past), I'm pretty sure I would have left a lasting negative imprint on my children. Sometimes, ya just have to laugh, roll with the punches, and make the best of situations that, at the time, aren't very pleasant. Another lesson learned today (# 1052) ... never leave a 3 year old and 16 mo. old alone while big bro is busy and engrossed in something ... makes for an absolute mess for Mommy! Oh, and I guess I failed to mention that I left the cocoa powder out since I had been baking earlier that morning. Lesson #1053 - never leave cocoa powder (or any substance like that) within arms reach for young children to grab!

I sure do love my boys! God blessed me with them for a reason, even if it was to make my house smell like a chocolate factory on this given day! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, that is one for the memory bank! They were just helping you decorate the house, right? Glad you could laugh!

    ~ Corrie
